november 10 2013


The Flux of the Beat (Universality of Re:Source)
Irodalmi Lépegető special, Tilos Radio, 2013.11.10.
Allen Ginsberg kiállítás: Ludwig Múzeum, 2013.11.09-2014.01.14.

John Cage – Radio Music (1956)

Allen Ginsberg and Margaret Mead discuss the origin of the term „Beat”

Pierre Henry – Danse de Jeunes Hommes (Philips, 1965)

Yoko Ono – Toilette Piece (1971)
Dick Higgins – B.B. Finally Dreams About Life, B.B.’s You Play It (1962)

Pierre Henry – Fievre (Philips, 1965)

John Cage – Williams Mix (1951)
Terence McKenna – Everything wants to communicate (The Last Interview, 1999)

Art of Noise – Eye of the Needle (1986)

Allen Ginsberg – I’m a Victim of Telephones December (1968) (from The Dial-A-Poem Poets: Disconnected (Giorno Poetry Systems, 1974)
Allen Ginsberg – Poemfone Message: 1:44AM Thanks for the Poem (Poemfone: New Word Order, The Tomato Company, 1996)
Allen Ginsberg – 17 syllables (Poemfone: New Word Order, The Tomato Company, 1996)
Bengt Hambraeus – Mikrogram (Stockholm, 28th June, 1979, Caprice)

Terence McKenna – Civilization is a Carnival (The Last Interview, 1999)
Songs of the Humpback Whale (Capitol, 1970)
Terrence McKenna – Psychedelic Ethics (The Last Interview, 1999)

Iskra – Grodsymfonin / The Frog Symphony,( Caprice 1977)
Isao Tomita – 5th Symphony: 2nd Movement, 1979

Allen Ginsberg – Poem Rocket (Reading at the Poetry Center, San Francisco State University, February 27, 1959)

Isao Tomita – Close Ecounters of the Third Kind, 1979

Nova Convention: Conversations (Brion Gysin, William Burroughs, Timothy Leary, Les Levine, and Robert Anton Wilson, 1979)

Isao Tomita – Pictures of an Exhibition (1975)
The Electrosoniks – Sonic Re-entry (Philips, 1962)

William Burroughs – The Last Words of Dutch Schulz (This is Insane) Island Records, 1993

The Electrosoniks – Twilight Ozone(Philips, 1962)

Amiri Baraka – Against Black Bourgeoisie (Reading with Ed Dorn at the Just Buffalo Literary Center, Buffalo, NY, December 8, 1978)

Allen Ginsberg – Supermarket in California (Reading at the Poetry Center, San Francisco State University, October 25, 1956)

The Electrosoniks – Song of the Second Moon (Philips, 1962)

Allen Ginsberg – Dream about WCW (from Birth of Tragedy Magazine’s Fear, Power, God, 1987)
Allen Ginsberg – Wrote this last night (Reading at the Poetry Center, San Francisco State University, February 27, 1959)

The Electrosoniks – Moon Maid (Philips, 1962)

Allen Ginsberg – Witchita Vortex Sutra (Reading at the Poetry Center, San Francisco State University, October 25, 1956)

The Electrosoniks – The RayMakers (Philips, 1962)

Allen Ginsberg – Howl I. (Reading at the Poetry Center, San Francisco State University
October 25, 1956)

The Electrosoniks – The Visitors from Outerspace (Philips, 1962)
Bernard Herrmann – Psycho (Decca, 1979)

John S. Hall – Give Me a Dollar (Poemfone: New Word Order, The Tomato Company, 1996)
Bob Holman – The Point (Poemfone: New Word Order, The Tomato Company, 1996)
Sparrow – A New Service (Poemfone: New Word Order, The Tomato Company, 1996)
Allen Ginsberg – Poemfone Message: 1:44AM Thanks for the Poem (Poemfone: New Word Order, The Tomato Company, 1996)
Sparrow – A New Service (Poemfone: New Word Order, The Tomato Company, 1996)
Bo Nilsson – Fragments for Marimba and Five Gongs ((Stockholm, Caprice, 1978)

Slim Gaillard – Tea Say Malee (June, 1946, Hep, 1982)

Allen Ginsberg – CIA Dope Calypso (from Sugar, Meat, Alcohol (Giorno Poetry Systems)

The Clash featuring Allen Ginsberg – Capitol Air, (live in NYC, 1981)

Category: Adásnapló, English-language Shows, Irodalmi lépegető | IRODALMI LÉPEGETŐ: Flux of the Beat bejegyzéshez a hozzászólások lehetősége kikapcsolva