december 7 2014

IRODALMI LÉPEGETŐ: Revolucija! Autonomia! Studenti! – csehszlovák varázslat

Rudolf Maros – Töredék

Nežná revolúcia / Dokumenty, Ktoré, Hovoria (1989.11.17 – 11.30)
Rudolf Maros – 4 Studies / Kaleidoscope
Lalo Schifrin – Mission Impossible / Sniper
Lalo Schiffrin – Mannix: Hunt Down / Warning, Live Blueberries / Fear
Barry White – Alive and Well / Find the Man Bros / Theme from Together Brothers / Getaway
Brendt Hambraeus – Mikrogramm

Don Cherry Trio – Tibet
Cloudless Sky – Morning Glory
John Cage – Experiences No.1.
Tibetan Bells – White Liget
Brian Dee – The James Bond Theme / A Certain Smile

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